National Geographic travel writer Erika Liodice explores the creative connection between travel and writing—and how our journeys translate to the page.
I recently started working on my next novel. Exciting, right? Well… Staring at a blank screen for the past couple of weeks has made me wonder…am I once and done? In hindsight, writing [...]
I realize this post is several days overdue. After all, one of the greatest legends of our generation passed away last Wednesday and here it is Monday and I still haven’t commented. The [...]
Do you ever feel like “the dream” is impossibly out of reach? Or that literary success is reserved for a fortunate few? Yeah, me too. But rather than letting frustration and [...]
“My ideas usually come not at my desk writing but in the midst of living.” – Anais Nin When I was little, my favorite author, Patricia Reilly Giff, came to speak at our school. When it was [...]