In Be Happier, Follow Your Dreams, For Dream Chasers

Did you know that more heart attacks, strokes, suicides, sickness and accidents occur on Monday mornings than on any other day of the week? It’s true, according to the recent article, “Emotional Fitness”, by Barton Smith. The reason? “Research suggests this is because people are distracted and unhappy when they have to go to jobs they don’t resonate with.”

So I ask you…do you resonate with your current job? In other words, are you following your passion? Or, at the very least, are you doing something you like?

Considering the fact that we spend about 1/3 of our lives at work, if your answer is anything other than YES!, then you’ve got some serious career exploration to do.

Not to worry, I recently came across a Career Exploration guide by HR expert, Susan Heathfield, that can help you find work you love in six easy steps. 

Why bother? Well, as John Bello, former President of NFL Properties and founder of SoBe Beverage Company says, “You’re a success in life if what you do is what you love to do.”

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