In For Writers, Writing

Sending positive thoughts to all my writer friends out there who are participating in NaNoWriMo this year!

I haven’t done this challenge before, so I’m really not sure what to expect. The good news is, yesterday was a success from a word count perspective (1,802!), but I woke up in the middle of the night with the urge to delete everything I wrote. I know that we’re all supposed to tell our internal editors to take a hike this month, but it’s hard!

Anyone else battling their internal editor?

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  • E

    God yes. But! My husband gave me the ‘No Plot No Problem’ kit (“”) for my birthday last year so I’ve got some good encouragement in my corner. I especially liked today’s, so I’ll share for anyone having trouble letting go of that editor:

    “What you started producing yesterday is noveling clay – valuable, essential, and invariably lumpy. Its beauty will grow as you work it.”

    So, onwards and upwards I guess.

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