In Find Your Passion, Follow Your Dreams, For Dream Chasers, Learning from Legends

Have you ever felt that you missed out on the opportunity to do what you want with your life, even though you might not know what that is? This is how so many people feel and for a long time tennis legend, Andre Agassi, was one of them.

As we near the end of Agassi’s autobiography, Open, we are painfully aware that a career in tennis is the last thing he ever wanted. Many times he mentions feeling like he has a bigger purpose in life, but doesn’t know exactly what it is. A couple situations in his life arise that allow him to help people – specifically, children – who are less fortunate than he. Through this, Andre gets a glimpse of what his bigger purpose might be: helping children at risk.

“Adults can always ask for help,” he says, “but children are voiceless, powerless.”

Ironically, by following the path he hated so much, Agassi earned the money and notoriety needed to pursue his true calling. We watch as he devotes his time, passion and money to the creation of the Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy in the heart of Las Vegas’ most at-risk neighborhood. “We resolve to build the best charter school in America,” he said. “We resolve to hire the best teachers, pay them well, and hold them accountable for grades and test scores. We resolve to show the world what can be done when you set standards outrageously high and open the purse strings.” And this is exactly what he did.

As Agassi brings his vision to life, we suddenly see his attitude towards tennis change. No longer is it an all-consuming negative force in his life, but the means to an end; a way for him to pursue his bigger purpose.

Today, Agassi’s school includes all grades, from elementary school through high school, and is centered around improving skill levels and combating lowered academic expectations, while creating a climate of hope among this community’s most challenged children. They receive thousands of applications each year and, since his retirement, Agassi spends a good deal of his free time there. 

It’s bittersweet to observe how something Agassi hated so much led him to something that fulfills him so deeply and gave him the resources to bring his real dream to life. And it reminds us that no matter where we are in our own lives, we can use the skills and resources we’ve earned to find and follow our bigger purpose.

Read along! This month we’re reading Open: An Autobiography by Andre Agassi.

Conversation starter: How did you find your bigger purpose in life?

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  • Rebecca

    Whenever I get down about my own path, that is exactly what I try to remain myself. I did not love working in finance but I have a lot of transferable skills that help me with everything from running the household to writing novels to consulting projects for non-profits. It all ties together.

    • Erika Liodice

      Hi Rebecca,
      I feel the same way about my former work in the pharmaceutical industry. Though it wasn’t my passion, the professional development was unparalleled and it helped me understand what goes into doing my own thing. You’re right…it all ties together!

      Thanks for reading 🙂

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  • […] tennis, but ultimately it led him to his destiny of helping underprivileged children through his charter school and charitable foundation. But what if Agassi had quit tennis like he wanted to? What would he have done with his life […]

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