In Follow Your Dreams, For Dream Chasers

Are you thinking about leaving the security of your day job to do something you love? Do you make a decent living at an occupation you feel lukewarm about, but wish you were working at something that excites you? Do you wonder if pursuing your dream job is really worth rocking the boat? If so, this post is for you!

You, and many others, may be bored of your dull job. In fact, it’s well known that many people don’t enjoy their job and only stay there so that they can have a steady income. However, the fear of following a passion may be overwhelming. How do you know you’ll succeed? How do you know you’ll even like your career change? What about start up costs, salaries, ongoing overheads? This all needs to be considered when choosing a new career path. One of the biggest concerns that will influence a career path is salary. There are not many people out there willing to take a pay cut, especially when bills need to be paid. That’s why it’s important to check out the beginning salaries of professions to ensure it’s the right move. For example, if you love fitness and have always dreamed of becoming a trainer then you should probably look at the beginning personal trainer salary before the big leap. That way, you can figure out your financial situation and see if it’s a change you can survive.

I’ve put together a list of 25 dream jobs – and their median base salaries – that you’ve told me are occupations you want to pursue. The salary figures listed here are based on U.S. averages and may vary depending on where you live. Also, they don’t include bonuses, commissions, health benefits, 401k contributions, raise potential, quality of life, or the value of your happiness – they are just entry-level base salaries:

  1. Actor/Performer: $48,889
  2. Architect: $39,179
  3. Camera Operator for TV and Motion Pictures: $70,886
  4. Cartoonist/Animator: $51,753
  5. Casino Dealer: $14,716
  6. Choreographer: $33,255
  7. Commercial Pilot: $117,115
  8. Detective: $40,376
  9. Farm/Ranch Manager: $37,874
  10. Fashion Designer: $44,158
  11. Fire Fighter: $40,440
  12. Golf Pro (private course): $58,579
  13. Graphic Designer: $46,237
  14. Head Coach (student athletes): $66,273
  15. Helicopter Pilot: $140,665
  16. Interior Designer: $37,676
  17. Judge/Magistrate: $143,047
  18. Motor Racer: $24,674
  19. Painter/Illustrator: $36,480
  20. Pastor: $85,234
  21. Pastry Chef: $45,159
  22. Personal Trainer: $52,475
  23. Photographer: $54,210
  24. Pit Boss at a casino: $56,400
  25. Professor of Mathematics: $84,446

So…is your dream job worth it?

If your dream job isn’t on this list, there are a number of good sites you can visit to research salary information. Here are a couple: and

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  • My dream job – author – has dismally low median earnings but that doesn’t stop me from pursuing it. 😉

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