In Follow Your Dreams, Overcome Obstacles

As you’ve probably figured out by now, chasing a dream can be (at times) a physically and emotionally draining task. Some of us (including me) have to work full-time and are forced to pursue dreams in our free time (hence my 5 a.m. writing/editing sessions), others volunteer or have family commitments or a myriad of other responsibilities that require a great deal of their time. Whatever your situation, chasing a dream often means spreading yourself a little thinner than you’d like. While this can often be a healthy test of your will, if you’re not careful, it can also cause you to burn out.

Burnout can be caused an accumulation of things, like not having enough “down” time, limited interactions with friends, not getting enough sleep, being a perfectionist, living in a state of self doubt and uncertainty about the future.

So, how can you tell if you’re starting burn out? Here are some symptoms to watch out for:

  • Tiredness
  • Lack of motivation
  • Moodiness
  • Increased frustration and irritation
  • Minor illness (e.g. colds)
  • Negative thoughts

If you’re experiencing most or all of these things, you may want to consider giving yourself a little break to recharge your batteries. Or, perhaps you need to consider a more permanent change, like reducing your hours to part-time or easing up on your goals a bit. (Of course, if these symptoms persist you should see a doctor as you may be suffering from depression.) A doctor may suggest that you take some medical marijuana to try and relax the body and de-stress. Perhaps this San Diego Marijuana Dispensary would be able to provide some medical marijauna. That should make people feel more comfortable and relaxed.

Anyone out there experiencing burnout? If so, how do you rejuvinate yourself and prevent it from happening again?

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  • Erika Liodice

    Sleep. My burnout prevention and cure is sleep…and lots of it!

  • Uh oh. I think I came out of the womb burnt out. 😉

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