In Be Happier, Follow Your Dreams, For Dream Chasers, Overcome Obstacles

Do you start to feel down as the weekend creeps to an end? If so, tune in each Sunday for tips on how to beat the Sunday Night Blues.

Today’s Tip: Make Monday Morning Magnificent

If your Sundays get spoiled by that sense of dread that begins creeping in as the weekend winds down, give yourself something to look forward to on Monday morning. This will help you ease into the week and make it a little easier to get out of bed on Monday morning. The key is to treat yourself to something you don’t normally enjoy, that way you’ll actually look forward to it. If you don’t usually splurge on a hazelnut latte from Starbucks, treat yourself on the way to work tomorrow. If you normally eat breakfast in front of the news every morning, make plans to meet up with a friend at a diner before work. Or go alone.

By treating yourself to something out of the ordinary, you’ll break free from the Sunday Night Blues and Monday morning might actually be magnificent!

How do you beat the Sunday Night Blues?

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