In Follow Your Dreams

The day that changed my life was a normal day just like any other. I was twenty years-old and it was a boiling hot July day in NYC, where I was working at a summer internship. The day was unfolding in typical fashion – I woke up, rode the train into the city, put in a full day of unpaid work, and then hustled to Penn Station the second the clock struck five. That evening I boarded the train, just like I had hundreds of times before, and took a seat next to a guy (who I immediately noticed was exceptionally handsome but didn’t plan on talking to) and prepared to decompress for the next hour. As far as I was concerned, it was just another day. Except that it wasn’t at all. What I didn’t expect was that the handsome stranger next to me would not only strike up a conversation with me, he would eventually become my best friend, the love of my life and my husband.

It was a day like any other, but it was the day that changed everything. 

I tell you this story because from time to time we all catch ourselves falling into ruts. You know the kind – those spans of time when the days are blurring one into the next, when the weeks and months are flying by and you simply don’t know where they are going. Whenever I feel myself slipping into a rut, I think of that day on the train and remind myself: today could be the day. The day when I make an important new connection, discover a new tool or resource, or achieve something that will bring me one step closer to reaching my dreams.

Don’t let yourself be fooled by the monotony of your day-to-day life because every single day holds the potential to be the day that changes you forever.

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  • Tanya

    Hi Erika –

    Thank you. This is EXACTLY what I needed to hear today. I have been in rut lately. Frozen. Sometimes when options seem limitless it can be even harder to weed out the good from the bad.

    I needed to be reminded that often the most significant moments of our life don’t come with lightning bolts and clouds parting but are often little sparks in an otherwise typical, mundane day. And it’s those little sparks that make our lives sing. So I rejoice in the ordinary and celebrate that today might be the day for me.

    Keep up the great work!

    • Erika Liodice

      Hi Tanya,
      Thanks so much for your comment! I’m so glad to hear that my words reached you at just the right time.

      Here’s to many “little sparks” today and everyday!


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