In Erika's Dreams

Today, I have some exciting news to share: I’ve been selected as a finalist in the Write It Sideways Blogging Contest!

This recognition is not only a huge honor, it’s a reassurance that there is a place for my writing in this world and that this dream of mine is not impossible. Trust me, we writers need these reminders from time to time.

Stay tuned…my entry will be posted on Write It Sideways in the coming weeks and the grand prize winner will be picked by all you readers!

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Showing 9 comments
  • Scott Krycia


    • Erika Liodice

      Thanks, Scott. I’m thrilled!

  • Suzanne

    Congratulations Erika! that is a wonderful acknowledgement of all your hard work and of course your wonderful writing talent!

    • Erika Liodice

      Thanks, Suzanne! I appreciate the support and compliments 🙂

  • S.B.

    Way to go! I am so proud of you! Can’t wait to read the entry online!

    • Erika Liodice

      Thanks, S.B. I’m pretty proud too. I will let you know when my entry is available to read online.

  • Christina Steinorth

    Very cool! Congratulations!!!

    • Erika Liodice

      Thank you, thank you. I’m very honored to have my work recognized.

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