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Dream Board – Erika Liodice – Content Creator
 In Follow Your Dreams

We’ve all heard how powerful visualization can be in achieving success. If you want to hit a home run, picture yourself stepping up to the plate, assuming the perfect stance, swinging the bat, and sending the ball soaring far beyond the outfielder’s reach. This same technique is used to achieve positive outcomes in many careers – sales, litigation, public speaking and more. A great way for dream chasers to use visualization is to create a dream board, that is, a visual representation of your dream, that you see everyday, thereby opening up your mind to the images on it.

How do you create a dream board?

First, collect images (from magazine, photographs, the Internet, drawings) that represent your dream. Think about every aspect of what your dream looks like. What’s your job? What kind of car do you drive? Where do you live? What kind of shape are you in? What does your workspace look like? What are your hobbies? Where do vacation? What does your business card look like? Does your name have credentials after it?

Next, adhere those images to a large board (you can use poster board, cardboard, cork board, a giant piece of paper, even your refrigerator) and create a collage.

Finally, place your dream board somewhere you will see it each and every day. The most popular places are: in your bedroom (so you think about your dreams first thing in the morning and last thing at night) or in your home office (so you think about your dreams while you are working, paying bills, surfing the Internet, etc).

A dream board can help you develop a clear vision of what your dream looks like, serve as a daily reminder of your aspirations, and open your mind to success.

What’s on your dream board?

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