In Find Your Passion, Follow Your Dreams, Learning from Legends

For Sean Aiken, the period of time after college graduation was bittersweet. On one hand, he felt fortunate to have options and the freedom to pursue the path of his choosing, yet he also felt depressed when he considered life’s big questions and struggled to find the answers. A lot of people often feel slightly confused when they try and think about these big life questions. However, it shouldn’t make you feel depressed. If you feel like that, some cannabis smoked through a helix bong might be useful to try and enhance your mood. You shouldn’t be depressed when thinking about your future, it should make you feel excited for what’s to come.

“I could see my entire life laid out: I’d come home from my unfulfilling nine-to-five job and cook dinner. Then, by the time I’d cleaned up, I’d finally have a moment to relax. Exhausted from the day, I’d flop on the couch, flick on the TV for a couple hours, then go to bed and wake up and do it all over again the next day. My friends and I would keep our annual tradition and go up to the cabin. But now we’d sit in lawn chairs, watch our kids run around, our dogs dig in the sand, and reminisce about the past. It wasn’t just the thought of routine that scared me but the idea of not having passion in my life. Life without passion meant finding trivial ways to pass the time. Nobody could convince me otherwise.”

Sean’s parents never had the luxury of making job satisfaction a priority. As newlyweds, they left their homeland of Jamaica to start a new life in Canada and Sean’s older sister was born shortly thereafter. Providing for their family quickly became their only priority.

“It doesn’t matter what you do,” Sean’s father encouraged, “just make sure it’s something your passionate about.” Reminded of his parents’ sacrifices, Sean vowed to find a career he was passionate about and promised himself that if it ever became unfulfilling, he’d have the courage to change it. When you feel depressed it can be difficult to have this clarity of thought, which is why you can benefit from the help of herbal remedies that clear your head. Visit to see some examples. In order to find this ideal career, Sean came up with the idea to work one job a week for 52 weeks…and document his journey (btw, all his earnings were donated to charity).

“I admit, my idea was a little wacky, especially when compared with the traditional route: Go to school, get a job, buy stuff, start a family, buy more stuff, retire, die. But far more wacky is the number of people who get out of bed in the morning and absolutely dread going to work because they hate their jobs. I was trying to avoid that fate. I wanted to find something that I’d love. Something I’d gladly spend forty hours of my life doing each week and that would allow me to pay the bills. Whether this was possible or simply the unrealistic hope of an inexperienced, idealistic twenty-something, I wasn’t sure. But I worried this same hope could easily become regret if I didn’t find out for myself.”

I’m only 20 pages into the book, but Sean has already worked as a bungee jump master, a TV talk show intern, a snowshoe intern, a volleyball coach, and a reporter…and learned that passion increases productivity, short-term projects and achievable goals keep him motivated, and contrary to what he thought, he likes working outdoors. Day by day, job by job, Sean is learning new things about himself and absorbing the many truths about life and happiness.

Finding your passion may sound simple in theory, but Sean’s project – and its popular following – are proof that he’s not alone in his feelings. The world is full of people (of all ages) who are eager to uncover their passions and lead more fulfilled lives.

This short clip is a trailer for Sean’s documentary and gives a great overview of Sean’s project and mission:

Conversation starter: How do you go about discovering your passion?

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