In Erika's Dreams

To kick off the new year, I set 10 goals and 10 resolutions for 2010. With January behind us, I thought it would be a good time to check in and see how I’m doing.

As January got underway, I was off to a great start with my resolutions. But that only lasted a week or so and by the end of January I’d managed to break every single one of them. Instead feeling guilty and terrible, I’m taking comfort in the fact that resolutions are on-going committments – a way of life, if you will – and the fact that I fell off the wagon here and there doesn’t mean that I’ve failed, per se, but that I need to do better today, tomorrow and the next day. I liken it to falling off the diet bandwagon. You can’t just give up, after all, tomorrow’s a new day.

As far as my goals are concerned, I’m pleased to report that I’ve accomplished the first two:

  1. Complete the fiction writing workshop I’m taking. (My 10-week class ended on 1/12 and I’m proud to report that I attended every session and did all the readings, writing assignments and critiques. I have to say, I loved every single second of it and I learned a ton about the craft of writing fiction).
  2. Finish my yet-to-be-titled manuscript.  (As of last week, my first draft is complete and I’ve selected a working title. Now the editing begins!)

As Februrary gets underway, I’ll be focusing my energy on revising and editing my manuscript and searching for an editor who can help me mold it into a final draft.

Okay, enough about me, how are you doing with your goals and resolutions?

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  • David Liodice

    Congrats on the completion of your manuscript! I am so proud of you and I can’t wait to read it!

    • Erika Liodice

      Thanks for your continued love and support, Dave! I can’t wait for your feedback on the manuscript!

  • Rebecca

    Wow! Those are two MAJOR goals. Congrats on finishing the manuscript and best of luck with the revisions!

    • Erika Liodice

      Thanks, Rebecca!

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