Everyone, it seems, is talking about e-Books. Personally, I have remained on the “I love a good old-fashioned paperback” bandwagon. But, the fact that e-books outsold paperbacks on [...]
What’s makes something an interest versus a calling? I’ve thought about this question a lot over the years, particularly because my “calling” tends to be ever-changing. [...]
I’m BAAACK. I’m BAAACK in the saddle again. (If you lived inside my head, you’d probably be plugging your ears right about now because this song – complete with Steven Tyler’s yowls – has [...]
Every winter there comes a day when the cloud cover lifts and the temperature soars to unseasonable heights. Where I live, today is one of those days. And so, I’m taking the afternoon off [...]
Bad jobs. Like chicken pox, most of us have had them (and some of us even have scars to prove it!). Some of my worst job highlights include: a major celebrity ordering me to scrub the floor, [...]